Talk: "Policing in America"


Location: Hesburgh Center Auditorium

Policing In America Photo

Join David Cortez, assistant professor of political science, in conversation with Luis Fraga, director of the Institute for Latino Studies and professor of political science. as they discuss recent policing events in Memphis that led to the death of Tyre Nichols and similar acts regarding police-perpetrated violence. They will also talk about how race is central to any discussion regarding policing in America.

Cortez's research centers on ethnic and racial identity with particular focus on intersectional and situational identity salience. His research engages questions of belonging, obligation, and liminality to reveal the careful negotiation of cross-cutting social group memberships of Latinx immigration agents caught between two worlds: the police and the policed. Fraga's research interests are American politics, specializing in Latino politics, voting rights, immigration and education.

Free and open to the public. Grab and go lunch provided.

**Stay tuned for livestream link

Originally published at