"Creating a World Free of Nuclear Weapons": Student Conversations


Location: Virtual Event

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Join us for a series of monthly conversations that will engage students from Catholic universities to include Notre Dame, Georgetown, Catholic University, Northwestern, Japanese universities partner and more, in discussions focused on the Catholic approach to nuclear weapons and can include topics to include the moral implications of using the bomb, the current and critical nuclear issues such as the escalation and modernization of nuclear arsenals, the New Start Treaty, and what can be done to move forward toward the Papal vision of  “nuclear zero.”

March Topic: Iran Nuclear Deal (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, JCPOA)

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Co-sponsored by:

Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, Keough School of Global Affairs, University of Notre Dame
Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs, Georgetown University
Catholic Peacebuilding Network
Institute for Policy Research and Catholic Studies, The Catholic University of America
International Federation of Catholic Universities
Saint Paul University
The Project on Revitalizing Catholic Engagement on Nuclear Disarmament


Originally published at kroc.nd.edu.