Film: "Leviathan" (2014)


Location: Browning Cinema (View on map )

Leviathan (2014) / Левиафан, Leviafan

Directed by Andrey Zvyagintsev
Russia | Not Rated
140 minutes

Kolya lives in a small fishing town near the stunning Barents Sea in Northern Russia. He owns an auto-repair shop that stands right next to the house where he lives with his young wife Lilya and his son Roma from a previous marriage. The town’s corrupt mayor Vadim Shelevyat is determined to take away his business, his house, as well as his land. First the Mayor tries buying off Kolya, but Kolya unflinchingly fights as hard as he can so as not to lose everything he owns including the beauty that has surrounded him from the day he was born. Facing resistance, the mayor starts being more aggressive …

  • Introduced by Nanovic Faculty Fellow Susanne Wengle, assistant professor of political science; concurrent assistant professor in the Keough School of Global Affairs
  • Free event, tickets required. Visit or call 574-631-2800.


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