Work-in-Progress: "Studies from Two Caracas Barrios: Women's Responses to Urban Violence and Militarization"


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A Kellogg Work-in-Progress Seminar with Visiting Fellow Verónica Zubillaga.

Using a comparative ethnographic project, Zubillaga shows how women in two Caracas barrios respond to state-sponsored violence and the overwhelming presence of guns in their lives. There, women perform everyday forms of resistance related to the military government and the actors whose armed confrontations ravage their community. She draws from a perspective that seeks to understand power and resistance in contexts of chronic violence through a subtle approach, showing how women gain spaces of autonomy and care in the midst of their suffering. Zubillaga focuses on how women create meaning and engage in social networks with female neighbors, and collaborate with certain armed actors while, in a nuanced manner, rejecting others.

Originally published at