2021 Human Development Conference

Location: Via Zoom

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The Future is Now: Innovative Responses to Global Adversity

Global development and collaboration cannot be halted due to COVID-19 or any other global adversity. The ways we approach integral human development must be adaptable to our ever-changing global environment. Oftentimes, new solutions are driven by unavoidable barriers and unexpected set-backs, and impressive innovations arise from times of crisis. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, creative adaptability is key to persevering in the mission of integral human development, which is to foster conditions conducive to flourishing for every individual and every community. So far, we have seen a contagious energy as new methods of communication and collaboration inspire hope for the achievement of this mission. In a time with added fear and uncertainty, social connectedness is truly the only way forward. From the bottom up, integral human development must be fueled by a commitment to social connectedness through inclusive discourse and collaborative innovation.

In light of COVID-19, this year we will be inviting students from the University of Notre Dame, Saint Mary’s, and Holy Cross to present in person if possible. All other undergraduate students will be invited to present virtually via Zoom.

For more information, visit: https://kellogg.nd.edu/2021-human-development-conference