Just Wage Forum 2021: "Promoting a Just Wage Economy"


Justwageforum Events Calendar

The Just Wage Forum 2021 is a series of conversations between scholars and practitioners on the Just Wage Framework & Online Tool

  • What makes any given wage just or unjust?
  • What are the rights, responsibilities, and roles of employers, workers, government, unions, community groups, and the public more generally in securing safe, decent-paying jobs and economic opportunities?
  • What are the best ways to tackle the persistence of structural discrimination and increasing economic inequality?

On select Fridays through July 2021, join us for Zoom webinars featuring a diversity of perspectives. 

Opening Session: Promoting a Just Wage Economy 

In this opening session of the Just Wage Forum, we’ll introduce our Just Wage Framework and hear a response by Donald Stabile, professor of economics at St. Mary’s College of Maryland and a leading expert on the history and economics of the living wage along with Charlice Hurst, assistant professor of management at the Mendoza College of Business. Then, on Friday, February 26, and every three Fridays for the next several months, we will host a virtual session featuring a scholar/researcher and a practitioner on one criterion of our Just Wage Framework & Tool.

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