Our Universe Revealed Online: "Flat-Earthers Need Not Apply — The predictive power of physics"


Location: Online

940x400 Our May5

Alejandro Clocchiatti, Ph.D., Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile
Online Streaming

Today more than ever, science plays a critical role in predicting the behavior of the world and universe around us. From challenges spanning global warming to understanding how our own planet fits into the solar system, it is key that we live in a world of reality based on evidence and backed up predictions rather than in a world of fantasy.

Join us as Prof. Clocchiatti dissects the nonsensical scenario proposed by flat-earthers from the joyful perspective of a Newtonian physicist observing the solar system, and explains the relevance of a consistent quantitative model to make sense and predict the behavior of the world around us. Learn how the predictive principles apply to everything from climate science to the spread of COVID-19.

Connect using Zoom [limited to 100 viewers]: https://notredame.zoom.us/j/724722144 (Meeting ID is 724-722-144).

(instructions for how to install the Zoom client and connect to the talk can be found at https://bit.ly/2xbGZVs)

Originally published at science.nd.edu.