Our Universe Revealed Online Lecture: "Why Physics (Still) Lacks Diversity"


Location: Online

1200x700 Dvt April16

The lack of diversity in physics is a known problem, and yet efforts to change our demographics have only had minor effects during recent decades. What do we mean by “diversity”? Why is it important? Why haven’t our efforts been successful? Michael Kilburn, Ph.D., will explore reasons for the lack of diversity at different academic levels, and reveal barriers that blind us to excellence. 

Connect using Zoom [limited to 100 viewers] (instructions for how to install the Zoom client and connect to the talk can be found at https://bit.ly/2xbGZVs) – https://notredame.zoom.us/j/724722144 (Meeting ID is 724-722-144).

Originally published at science.nd.edu.