Our Universe Revealed Online: "Measuring the Heavens"


Location: Online

Jonathan Crass, Ph.D.

Online streaming on YouTube at https://bit.ly/2WqK1jq or Zoom at https://notredame.zoom.us/j/724722144 (Meeting ID is 724-722-144).

We’ve all seen the stunning astronomical images taken using telescopes on the ground and in space. But have you ever wondered just how did we take those images? How did we design instruments capable of doing so? How did we even know what to record and what does that mean for the instruments of the future? Join us as Crass answers these questions and reveals some of the hidden sides of astronomical instrument design, development and operation.

(instructions for how to install the Zoom client and connect to the talk can be found at https://bit.ly/2xbGZVs)


Originally published at science.nd.edu.